How To Host A Webinar On Google Hangout - Part I

how to host a webinar on google hangout

If you are one of the many people that have started participating in online webinars, you may be wondering how to host a webinar on google hangout. It's easy! You can host webinars using Google Hangouts on your website. Google Hangout is an online chat application that works just like a live online meeting. All you need for this project is a computer with internet access.

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To get started, you'll need to sign up for a free Google Hangout account. This is easy to do. Just visit Google's website and sign up. Don't worry about your credit card information, there's no risk of having your identity stolen. Once you're signed up, access your Google Hangout page.


You'll want to select your Hangout meeting date and time. Next, click the "Create" button. A webinar calendar will appear. Select the type of meeting you want to create, if it's a live webinar. If it's a training session, choose the session you wish to participate in. Then, enter your name and address.

How To Host A Webinar On Google Hangout - Part I


Once your conference date has been selected, you'll want to create your presentation. To do that, click the "Posterize" link under the conference tab. Here you'll upload your PowerPoint presentation. Choose a location where you'd like to hold your presentation so you can select a place that's convenient to you.

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Now it's time to upload your video. To do that, click on the "Video" tab. You'll see two tabs: one for uploading video and one for uploading audio. Click the audio tab. In the left pane, click "Open", then choose" Videos" to open the videos you want to create in your browser.


Next, choose a presentation style you want to use. If you're using a slide show presentation, you can do that by selecting" slideshow "from the left pane. Once you've chosen a style, you'll want to click "Create". Your video will be uploaded to the Google Hangout channel.


When you have your video ready, the last step is to sign up for your Google Hangout account. Do that by clicking the "Sign up" link in the upper right corner of the Hangout page. That's how to host a webinar on Google Hangout.


One thing I'd like to point out before we wrap up is that not all Google Hangouts services are the same. Some use Hangouts for one-on-one training, while others offer a one-time free presentation. This is the biggest difference between the two. If your goal is to have people attend your webinar, you want the free version. If you just want to give presentations on a regular basis, I recommend the one-time presentation version. That's how to host a webinar on Google Hangout!


The next step is to actually create the webinar itself. You can do this by uploading your video to the service or by using a special software tool that will then do most of the work for you. If you are using the Hangout software, simply select "Create Webinar" and follow the instructions. If you are uploading your video yourself, simply find a conversion software like Windows Movie Maker and upload your video. After it's saved, you will then need to select" 1080p" from the drop down menu.


Once your presentation is saved, you can now play it through your computer speakers. If your system isn't powerful enough to do this, ask someone else to do it for you. After it's finished, you will want to save your webinar file and then click on the "Play Webinar" button. It should take a few minutes for everything to load up. At that point, you'll be ready to give your speech and answer any questions that people might have.


To make the most out of your Google Hangout presentation, you want to go beyond the basics and offer some incentive for people who attend your webinar. This is easily accomplished by way of a referral. Simply contact your website's visitors and tell them about your webinar. They will be happy to promote your webinar for you in return for you promoting their own webinar. You won't have to do anything other than set the up controls within the interface.


Overall, the process of using a webinar service such as Google Hangout is really very simple. The most difficult part of the whole process is simply getting the website set up in the first place. Once that's done, all that's left is playing the videos and speaking during the webinar. It's an easy way to make money online and with so many people signing up to speak via webinar services, there's no end in site. Now that you know how to host a webinar on Google Hangout, get started today!

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