Who'S Vs Whose Turn It Is?

Who's Vs Whom is a battle that has been going on since the beginning of time. This battle is usually played out in families, as most families have someone whose job it is to raise the kids while the other takes care of the business aspects of the family. In a lot of cases, one spouse will take care of the kids, leaving the other with just the office job.

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whos vs whose


One thing that you should understand about Who's Vs Whom is that it isn't always who's best. There are a lot of cases where one spouse was demoted or had his or her rank removed due to some reason. While this may not be fair to one party, it is what happened and sometimes the only way out is for the person to move on with their life. Now the question is: how do you know who's been fair and who hasn't? How can you tell who's really responsible for the kids' well being?


One of the most effective ways to find out is to check out the kids themselves. Ask them who their favorite teacher was when they were little. Find out who their favorite band was when they were younger. Just ask around, because everyone you talk to is sure to have something to say.

Who's Vs Whose Turn It Is?


If both spouses are willing, try to have your spouse bring the kids along with him or her during some of the conversations. This way you can see the child's reactions to certain statements by each spouse. The child's reactions will help you gauge how they feel about who's boss. Remember, it isn't all about who's the best at telling stories; often times the child's fascination with the subject is what really matters most.


The child's social skills are an important part of Who's Vs Whom. Ask around to find out what kind of kids they get around to. If one child is popular and the others aren't, that could be a sign of who's really more popular. However, if the social skills of all the kids are quite the same, it may be just a case of who's more attentive.


So, it comes down to who's more qualified to do what? It may seem like a simple question to answer, but in practice it gets a bit complicated. On one hand, if a single parent does the same job as another parent, it's obviously who's the better choice for the job. For example, if one parent is a licensed practical nurse and the other is a teacher, it would almost certainly be a pretty logical decision for the child to take after their mom. That's not always the case though.


Another consideration is who's the right person for the job. While both partners can be great teachers or fathers, the child's view of who's the better parent may vary depending on who their friends are. In other words, if one parent has a reputation as a great workaholic, and the other has a reputation as a stay-at-home mom, the child may see this and think that one parent is lazy. Conversely, if one parent has a reputation for constantly being on time for work, and the other's parents are always late, the child might see the mother as less available than the father.


In some cases the answer will come down to a matter of practicality. The obvious choice, of course, is who's more available. However, sometimes a parent's social calendar might lean a little towards one gender or the other. This can happen when the child is very young, or when the parents are divorced or separated. In these situations, it's usually the guy with the kids who's the more available one, and this can sometimes lead to situations where the "turns" person has to step aside to let the girl or boy have some "me" time.

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